One of the biggest design events in Belgium is going on at this moment:
Interieur08. Every year, just like at other design fairs (Milano among others) the off programme gains more and more importance. And in the case of Kortrijk the city is one of the driving forces behind the off programme. In 2006 the exposition KunstWerkStede De Coene culminated during Interieur06 and this year
FuturoTextiel is taking up that part. But there is so much more going on in the city. I still remember some of the afterparties of 2006, including the one at the postal building where guest of honour Alfredo Häberli shaked cocktails... This year look for special activities by the likes of Arne Quinze, Extremis, TAL and many others. You know where the event takes place... Now the challenge is to find out where the real party is. Enjoy Kortrijk!
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