About 20 years ago (actually, over 20 years ago) I spent an incredible year travelling around the US and Europe with the international organization Up With People. It was a unique experience that thaught me more than I could ever have learned at school. Travelling around with 150 other young people, in 3 Greyhound busses, through 30 US states can prove to be quite a challenge. Also, who can say that they actually slept in over 90 different beds in one year???
Whatever... As I said, I travelled with 150 other people. During the staging period in sunny Tucson, Arizona, we were even more... At the time, Up With People had 5 travelling casts. 4 of these got together in Tucson, in summer... Everyday we had a workout in "the swamp". 700 sweating bodies in a non-airconditioned gym... Imagine that! Well, it creates a bond...
Some of the first people you meet after getting to Tucson are the people standing next to you in the daily gym session... I still remember them very well, as if it were yesterday: Marie Springer & Chrissy Stevens. When we were split in casts Marie got a different group than I did. It was quite a good-bye that one. Never saw Marie again. Wonder how she is doing now... Chrissy was one of the people I travelled with all over. But, things were never quite the same as during staging and gym in the swamp...
Now, guess what happened this weekend... Last Friday one of the other guys from our cast started a "campaign" to get all of to come to our 25th reunion 2 and a half years from now. Thanks Rich! As "internet professional" I have the habbit to scan mail adresses and I noted an interesting one: @ubdrumcircles.com. It turned out to be Chrissy's. Now, the funny thing is that I chose the name Shakalaka! for my company not so long ago and that it means "dance to the rhythm of the drums". It kind of sticks to you, this programme...
Anyway, it was good to "see" Chrissy again. Wonder how the others are doing... Cast A84... What a year it was!
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