The Flemish Primitives is years ahead
Small article in De Standaard this weekend (so far, the best Belgian newspaper online): "The resurrection of a cattle breed". I translate kind of respectless, actually because they are talking about the West-Vlaams rood rund, the red breed from West Flandres. At the helm of this resurrection is Hendrik Dierendonck, a butcher who supplies some of our greatest chefs with beef that is incredibly tasty. The secret? Time. Isn't that always an important factor? Raising one of these cows takes about four years. Raising a "normal" cow for slaughter takes about two. But... the result is probably worth it and people are willing to pay for high quality meat. The article also made me think back a year, to the 2011 edition of The Flemish Primitives in Oostende. Hendrik brought a West-Vlaams red to the stage. It was one of the many memorable moments of the event. And the fact that people are still talking about this resurrection also means that the people behind the content of the event are years ahead. Just this week I was also sent a copy from an article in a Dutch newspaper, where a chef refers to the event as one of the most influential culinary events in the world. Keep it going guys!
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