Until 29 January, the Antwerp photography museum (FOMU) is hosting an exhibition of Peter Lindbergh. Lindbergh is an icon. 25 years ago he started changing the way fashion photography was made. In doing so, he also changed the whole fashion landscape. His photographs showed the essence of his models (including Kate Moss and Linda Evangelista, to name but two), their fragility, their hopes and fears even. His technique results in images that take you by surprise. Yes, this is modern marketing, but Lindbergh turned advertising into an art with his photographs. Last year he presented "The Unknown" in Bejing, this year we are lucky to be able to see some of his work in Belgium.
In an essay on creativity, Lindbergh says: "Some people are drawn to create and express themselves, others are drawn to reflect, to analyze. But in the end, they all could be creative if they had the desire to explore the way in which they are integrated in the world of their experiences. Because creativity is really a rebirth, a true tone we feel for ourselves and for our world. Then our work becomes a real part of who we are. Maybe all this is a question of how deep we are willing to go..."
FOMU and Galerie Geukens en De Vil until 29 January 2012. Peter Lindbergh web site.
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